Baldaquino visigodo (Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid, España)
Visigothic Baldaquin (National Archeological Museum, Madrid, Spain)
Mármol y piedra caliza. Los llamados “Visigodos” o Godos del Oeste (en alemán, Westen Goten) se diferenciaban así de los “Ostrogodos” o Godos del Este (en alemán, Osten Goten), aunque todos procedían de los Godos (Goten) originales.
Marble and limestone. A difference was made between the so- called Visigoths, that is, Western Goths (from German, Westen Goten, because they came to Western Europe) and the Ostrogoths or Eastern Goths (from German, Osten Goten). Both of them were part of the same original ancestors: the Goths.