El Rey gobierna por sí mismo: detalle (Palacio de Versalles)
The King rules by himself (detail)
Es uno de los frescos que adorna el techo de la Galería de los Espejos de Versalles, obra de Charles Le Brun, considerado el principal realizado según diversos autores. En el centro, se ve a Luis XIV idealizado manejando el timón del Estado, mientras a su izquierda la diosa Atenea le muestra un espejo de forma que vea la realidad y, por tanto, sea prudente. Delante del Rey, hay unos amorcillos que representan las artes.
It's one of the frescoes that cover the ceiling of the Hall of The Mirrors in the Versailles' Palace, painted by Charles Le Brun, considered as the main fresco of the Hall by many authors. In the middle, we see an idealised Luis XIV handling the rudder of the State, while at his left goddess Athena shows him a mirror so he can see reality and, consequently, be careful and wise. Before him, there are several putti or nude angels that represent the Arts.
FOTO realizada en agosto de 2015.
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