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Una torre del castillo que forma parte de la muralla. A la derecha, la Puerta del Azogue. / A castle tower that is part of the wall. On the right, the Puerta del Azogue.
Hoy vamos a ver unas murallas muy especiales: se trata del pueblo con más libros por habitante de España… según me dijeron cuando fui. / Today we are going to see some very special walls: it is the town with the most books per inhabitant in Spain… according to what I was told when I went.
Another View of the Tower of the Castle / Another View of the Castle’s Tower.
Otra vista de la muralla… a la izquierda, vemos casitas del pueblo / Another View of the wall… On the left, we see the village houses.
Otra vista de la Puerta del Azogue. / Another view of the Puerta del Azogue.
Otra vista del pueblo: al final, la puerta del Azogue. / Another view of the village: at the end, the Azogue gate.
La muralla que rodea la ciudad es de los siglos XII y XIII, de mampostería franqueada de trecho en trecho por cubos semicilíndricos. Se conserva el 80% del recinto amurallado, cubriendo una superficie de casi 7 hectáreas, de forma irregular.
The wall surrounding the city dates back to the 12th and 13th centuries, made of masonry, intersected at intervals by semi-cylindrical cubes. 80% of the walled enclosure has been preserved, covering an area of almost 7 hectares, of irregular shape.
La Puerta De la Villa en la parte Sur de la muralla: al fondo, el campo castellano. / The Villa Gate in the southern part of the wall: In the background, the Castilian countryside.
Se adapta al escarpado borde del páramo donde se asienta la villa. Está toda ella almenada y recorrida por camino de adarve.
The walls was built to adapt to the steep edge of the moor where the village is located. It is all crenellated and traversed by a walkway.
Otra torre del castillo / Another tower of the castle.
Otra vista del pueblo con la muralla al fondo. / Another view of the town with the wall in the background.
Tiene dos puertas. La principal, Puerta del Azogue, se abre al norte, y es la típica puerta construida en codo, para mejor defensa de posibles invasores.
It has two gates. The main one, Puerta del Azogue, opens to the north and is a typical gate built at an elbow, for better defence against possible invaders.
Otra vista del castillo. / Another view of the castle.
Otra vista del castillo y de una de las torres (una de las pocas que está “desmochada”). / Another view of the wall and one of the towers (one of the few that is “decapitated”).
La otra puerta está al sur, frontera a la anterior; es el Arco de la Villa, menos protegida desde el punto de vista arquitectónico pues por esa parte el páramo cae de manera abrupta hasta el valle.
The other gate is to the south, bordering the previous one; it is the Arco de la Villa, less protected from the architectural point of view because on that side the moor falls abruptly to the valley.
Otra torre / Another Tower.
Urueña formó parte del Infantazgo de Valladolidd que recibió Sancha de su hermano el rey Alfonso VII. Al morir Sancha en 1159 el rey de León Fernando II lo ocupa, època en la que se fortifica. Es reconquistado por los castellanos en 1181. Durante las treguas firmadas por Fernando II de León y Alfonso VIII de Castilla, se debió de fortificar la villa y levantar su castillo a finales del XII. En Urueña vivió María Padilla durante las guerras entre Pedro I y Enrique II.
Urueña was part of the Infantazgo de Valladolid that Sancha received from her brother King Alfonso VII. When Sancha died in 1159, the King of León, Ferdinand II, occupied it, during which time it was fortified. It was reconquered by the Castilians in 1181. During the truces signed by Ferdinand II of León and Alfonso VIII of Castile, the town must have been fortified and its castle built at the end of the 12th century. María Padilla lived in Urueña during the wars between Pedro I and Enrique II.
Otra imagen de la muralla y el castillo. / Another image of the wall and the castle.
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